
The NCCPSS Program Approved Courses are curricula reviewed and approved by the NC Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Use Services (DMH/DD/SUS) for peer support training in NC. An Approved Course consists of at least 50 hours (a minimum of 40 hours of face-to-face instruction and 10 hours of pre-work or homework) of curriculum reviewed and approved by the Program. The Program is transitioning all Approved Courses to 50 hours. The Program accepts only training certificates from Approved Courses towards the required training hours for certification. Completing an Approved Course equips Certified Peer Support Specialists (CPSS) with the basic knowledge and skills to provide peer support services in NC. Persons interested in becoming aCPSS must meet the eligibility requirements (18 years or older, have lived experiences in significant mental health or substance use disorder, have been in recovery for at least one year, and have a high school diploma or equivalent) first before completing the training. Below is the list of domains that constitute the content of an Approved Course:

  • Commitment to Personal Recovery
  • Relationship Building
  • Peer Support Interaction
  • Systems Competencies
  • Ethics and Boundaries
  • Substance Use Disorders
  • Trauma-Informed Practice
  • Support of Service members and Families
  • Cultural Competencies and Awareness

Completing an Approved Course does not mean an individual is certified; the individual has to apply for certification by mail or online.

Course Owners

Approved Courses for peer support training in NC are developed and owned by individuals and organizations after going through the NCCPSS Program course approval process. These individuals and organizations are considered Course Owners responsible for managing their courses and Certified Trainers. All Course Owners must adhere to the NCCPSS Program Policies and Procedures in managing their courses and trainers and ensure that trainees receive quality training on peer support. Course Owners must ensure that they conduct training using approved materials. Materials not reviewed and approved by the NCCPSS Program cannot be utilized in training. Course Owners must ensure trainees are aware of and meet the eligibility criteria for certification before completing a course.

All Course Owners must operate within the Code of Ethics document that outlines uniform standards and expectations for Course Owners. These ethical standards are intended to provide clear boundaries for Course Owners in managing the training. The Course Owners must take the requirements outlined in the Code of Ethics seriously because violations warrant disciplinary action(s) up to and including withdrawal of course approval status by the NCCPSS Program.

Course Owners must inform the NCCPSS about any changes to the following as soon as it occurs:

  • Training cancelation
  • Change in Certified Trainer status
  • Changes to the training schedule
  • other issues relevant to courses/training and certification

Information about specific Approved Course Owners can be obtained by clicking the Approved Course link on the overview page. The NCCPSS Program values the partnership between the Program and Course Owners in ensuring quality training for Certified Peer Support Specialists (CPSS).

NCCPSS Course Owners Code of Ethics4/2023
NCCPSS Program Training Review Protocol3/2023
NCCPSS Program Training Policies and Procedures12/2023


Certified Trainers

The North Carolina's Certified Peer Support Specialist (NCCPSS) Program requires all facilitators of the Approved Courses (an approved course is a minimum of 50 hours with 40 hours of face-to-face instruction) to be a Certified Trainer (CT). A Certified Trainer (CT) is an NCCPSS authorized (after meeting the requirements for certification) to train for an Approved Course. A Certified Trainer may teach for more than one Approved Course but has to be certified under each course. The Program works with Course Owners to process and maintain certification for Approved Courses.

The NCCPSS Program requires a person who is interested in becoming a Certified Trainer of an Approved Course to meet the following criteria:

  • Must be certified as an NC Certified Peer Support Specialist (NCCPSS) for a minimum of two years
  • Must work or volunteer (or supervise) as a NCCPSS for a minimum of two years
  • Must be selected by the owner of an Approved Course
  • Must have experience with, or knowledge of the service delivery system

Similarly, training requirements for Certified Trainers include the following:

  • Complete the approved NCCPSS course you will be training if you haven't already for certification
  • Complete the Training of Trainer (TOT) of the Approved Course that the prospective trainer wants to facilitate and receive a certificate of completion.
  • Co-train a session or sessions for two different training events with the owner or lead trainer of the Approved Course that the prospective trainer intends to facilitate

The NCCPSS Program encourages all Certified Trainers and Course Owners to review and adhere to the NCCPSS Trainer Policies.

Course Owners are responsible for certifying and recertifying their trainers as required by the NCCPSS Program.

The Certified Trainer certification and recertification processes are outlined in the NCCPSS Trainer Policies.

NCCPSS New Certified Trainer FormUpdated 3/2023
NCCPSS Re-certify Current Trainer FormUpdated 3/2023



The NCCPSS Program is guided by practices, protocols, policies, and procedures to ensure consistency across the programming. Standards for course training, Certified Trainers, and general guidelines are critical to the smooth implementation of the Program. The Program requires all Course Owners, Certified Trainers, Certified Peer Support Specialists (CPSS), and other stakeholders to adhere to these practices, policies, and procedures in matters relating to the certification, recertification, and courses.  

The following NCCPSS Program protocols, policies, and procedures must be reviewed and utilized as deemed relevant by all Program stakeholders:

  • NCCPSS Program Training Policies
  • NCCPSS Program Trainer Policies
  • NCCPSS Program Course/Training Review Protocol
  • NCCPSS Program Course Transfer Protocol
  • NCCPSS Program Course Modification Protocol
  • NCCPSS Program Course Termination Protocol
  • NCCPSS Program Course Owner Code of Ethics

To access a protocol, policy, or procedure, click the title link to view the document's content.

NCCPSS Program Training Policies and ProceduresUpdated 12/2023
NCCPSS Course Owners Code of EthicsUpdated 4/2023
NCCPSS Program Trainer PoliciesUpdated 3/2024
NCCPSS New Certified Trainer FormUpdated 3/2023
NCCPSS Re-certify Current Trainer FormUpdated 3/2023
NCCPSS Course TransferUpdated 4/2023
NCCPSS Program Training Review ProtocolUpdated 11/2021
NCCPSS Course TerminationUpdated 4/2023
NCCPSS Course Modification and Evaluation GuideUpdated 11/2022
All Files Single Zip PackageUpdated 5//2023